Some Intensive Adjectives with p in the Two Tuvan Dialects Jungar Tuvan and Uriankhai

  • Yong-Sŏng Li Seoul National University
Keywords: ASK REAL, intensive adjectives, Jungar Tuvan, Sayan-Turkic, Turkic language, Tuvan, Uriankhai


Tuvan belongs to the adaq-group of Turkic languages. Tuvan and its related varieties can be collectively referred to as so-called “Sayan-Turkic.” As a result of this study, based on data obtained from field studies on “Sayan-Turkic” conducted by the Altaic Society of Korea in 2004, 2005, and 2006, it was possible to detect some intensive adjectives with p in Jungar Tuvan and Uriankhai. The questionnaires used did not have vocabulary items designed to search for intensive adjectives. If those vocabulary items had existed, there would have been an opportunity to systematically check intensive adjectives from all informants. The intensive adjectives obtained, especially in Jungar Tuvan and Uriankhai, can be said to be quite important in their own right. There will be many examples like this in the various Turkic language materials obtained from two research projects carried out by the Altaic Society of Korea over a period of six years (three years each). These materials, which have been neglected for over 10 years, must be properly processed as quickly as possible.


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How to Cite
Li, Y.-S. (2024). Some Intensive Adjectives with p in the Two Tuvan Dialects Jungar Tuvan and Uriankhai. Archiv orientální, 92(2), 259-296.
Research Article